by Lucia Sikhosana

Golden Key, the world’s largest collegiate honour society, recently awarded noble Key Status to the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), one of 15 active university and college chapters in South Africa. TUT’s Golden Key Chapter was established in 2020 under the leadership of Prof Ben van Wyk, DVC Teaching, Learning and Technology. Receiving noble Key Status from the society means that the TUT Chapter has contributed exemplary towards the society’s three pillars of Leadership, Academics and Service.

Prof Ben Van Wyk

The TUT Chapter also celebrated a Golden Key milestone when it hosted its first member recognition ceremony in August 2023, to welcome new members to the society and grant them the much-deserved recognition.

The Golden Key Honours Society was originally founded by a group of undergraduate students and faculty members at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia, in November 1977. The organisation started in South Africa in 2000 and utilizes a set of high standards to evaluate a Chapter’s participation and adherence to its pillars of scholarship, career development, leadership and community service.

Prof van Wyk, strategic advisor of the TUT Golden Key Chapter, said: “TUT’s Golden Key initiative opens the door for students to become part of an international community of top performers and a network comprising more than 400 institutions across the world. Golden Key members can receive awards, scholarships and grants, apply for positions or internships at one of the companies in the network, develop cutting-edge leadership skills and participate in national and international events. When a member ranks in the top 15% of their class, they become eligible for a variety of these benefits.”

The Golden Key International honour society has standards to gauge each chapter’s involvement and adherence to the society’s pillars: Leadership, Academics and Community Service. Points are awarded to each chapter when they accomplish the criteria set under each pillar. There are four standards, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Key being the most prestigious of the standards. The GK TUT Chapter earned its noble Key status for its commitment to provide community service, among others by assisting at the Holy Trinity Old Age Home and engaging in other projects to uplift communities around TUT’s campuses.

Collaborating with GK graduates, TUT’s Student Development Support and the University of the Western Cape, hosted webinars to assist current students with study and stress management tips during exam time. Through these activities, the team demonstrated the true characteristics of leadership, as well as the chapter’s commitment to academic achievement and success for TUT students. Members of the TUT Golden Key Chapter demonstrated dedication, zeal and passion in executing the activities of the honour society. GK TUT has also exhibited the effectiveness of cooperation and teamwork, which continue to have positive effect on society and academic institutions.

Recognising the significant work done by the TUT members, Southern African Regional Director of the Golden Key International Honor Society, Gillian Cloete, said: “TUT established a superb setting for intellectual and personal development, from planning influential community service initiatives to putting on thought-provoking lectures, seminars and social gatherings”. She also extended her appreciation to the executive team, advisors and all members who have contributed their time, efforts and ideas to elevate the reputation of the Chapter.  

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