“How do you balance a career and a home? Build a village. Appreciate the village you inherit. Value the village that wants to support you. Invite the village to build and co-create with you”.

That is the advise that Dr Gloria Serobe gives to women, in her phenomenal book titled An Ode to my Mother-in-Law. Winnie Serobe. We are convinced that were Dr Gloria Serobe to be asked, how do you balance national duty and business leadership, she would answer: “Build a university. Appreciate the university you inherit [and] …invite the university to build and co-create with you”. When the TUT Council invited Dr Serobe to consider becoming the Chancellor if the University, she did not hesitate but accepted with humility.

In less than a month, Dr Gloria Tomatoe Serobe, who was duly elected as the Chancellor of the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) on 30 October 2023, will be installed on 14 March 2024 at the Pretoria Campus. We cannot wait to continue building the University under her Chancellorship!

As Chancellor, Dr Serobe will serve as the titular head of the University. In this capacity, Dr Serobe will confer all degrees and award all diplomas and certificates in the name of the University. She joins the University at a time when the institution celebrates its 20th anniversary, a time to take stock and to press ahead in the journey from good to great.

Dr Serobe comes to us at a time when the University is redefining and recalibrating its relationship with industry and repositioning itself as a bridge between the academia and the workplace. Who is better suited than Dr Serobe to take up the titular headship of the Tshwane University of Technology at this time? By becoming the titular head of this 20-year-old institution, Dr Serobe, a highly accomplished business leader and a formidable community builder, is following in the footsteps of successful leaders such as the late Adelaide Tambo, Dr Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka and Dr Gwen Malegwale Ramokgopa.

The Tshwane University of Technology is rolling out the red carpet for this daughter of the soil, born and bred in the iconic Gugulethu Township of Cape Town, co-founder of Women Investment Portfolio Holdings (WIPHOLD) and CEO of Wipcapital. We wish her a successful tenure as the Chancellor of the University.

The entire TUT community, Council, staff, students, alumni, labour and stakeholders are excited and looking forward to have Dr Gloria Serobe as our Chancellor.

Dr Gloria Serobe, the new Chancellor of the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT)

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